Apphirmations Lite

Do you want to be happy & healthy?

We all want to be healthy and happy. We are told that exercise is great for our health. BUT...., there are 4 exercises we need to avoid, because they are detrimental for our health and happiness.

These exercises are:

  1. JUMPING... to conclusions

  2. SIDE STEPPING .... responsibilities

  3. PUSHING .... our luck. and last but not least

  4. RUNNING ... ourselves and others down

Do you participate in these 4 exercises?

If you do, you will benefit from the Apphirmations lite

We talk to ourselves all the time. We often run ourselves down, instead of encouraging ourselves.

The Apphirmations are especially designed to change the way you speak to yourself about your life and yourself. Apphirmations are an application that uses affirmations. They help us to replace self-sabotaging beliefs and habits, into supportive ones.

When you are supportive of yourself, the world becomes a friendly place.

Purchase the Apphirmations Lite for a small once-off fee and start taking charge of your life, by taking changing your thoughts!

Do also check out our many exciting subjects in Apphirmations subscription.

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