Carefree Periods Apphirmations subscription sign-up

What are Apphirmations

The name "Apphirmations" is a fusion of "Affirmations" and "Application."

According to the oxford dictionary an affirmation is: “A definite or public statement that something is true or that you support, something strongly, synonym confirmation.”   In today’s world, affirmations are usually a sentence of powerful words put together. It is a positive statement that is aimed shape our conscious and unconscious mind to motivate you, to challenge us and to push us to reach our full potential in life.  

Apphirmations are carefully crafted affirmations audio recordings. They are very different from the regular affirmations because they include many release Apphirmations, where we let go of unwanted beliefs and emotions. They do include a spiritual element, by invoking the Divine or the Creator of all that is to assist in facilitating change.  

How can Apphirmations reduce period problems?

Our bodies respond to our thoughts. The more stressful we are, the more we struggle with our periods.

What causes stress?
We might think stress is caused by the events in our life. But how is it possible that two people can experience the same event, but respond differently? That is because we think differently. We have different beliefs and opinions about what is happening. When we change our beliefs, our thinking changes and then our reaction to events also changes. This is how we can reduce stress and increase health and happiness.

The Carefree Period Apphirmations is a 29-day program. You play these Apphirmations super-softly while you sleep, so they don't disturb your sleep. If you can hear every word, they are too loud. You can also play them supersoftly while you go about your day.

Once you completed the Carefree Periods Apphirmations, it is advisable to listen to the overcome addictions Apphirmations because many of us are addicted to stress, worry, anxiety and other emotions.

Apphirmations don't cost you any extra time!

With Apphirmations Subscription, you will get access to all the Apphirmations listed below.

They include the Carefree Periods Apphirmations.

The more you use them, the more they will support you and change your life!

We Have a Special Offer for You

Subscribe now for the Apphirmations Subscription and pay only HALF PRICE

Pay only $9.97/month to create

Health & Happiness

And you can try them out for free for 7 Days

You will get all these subjects for only $9.97

You can read more about these Apphirmations on the home page.

Abundant Health Apphirmations

Allergy Relief Apphirmations

Atmosphere Apphirmations

Carefree Periods Apphirmations

Confident You Apphirmations

Dealing with Cancer Apphirmations

Maths & Science Apphirmations

Atmosphere Apphirmations

Optimal Weight Apphirmations

Overcome Addictions Apphirmations

Wealth Mindset Apphirmations

And More Subjects

Try them out. You can always cancel after 1 month!

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